Thanks so much for your efforts. I do my own rounding and data sorting regularly. Appreciate your more explained. I can forward to others. It’s succinct. Appreciated.

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There have been reports by some nurses here that their staff that are reporting the numbers for government use are NOT telling the whole truth. For example, if someone who is unvaccinated comes in for treatment for a shooting, heart attack or car accident, happens to take a Covid test and be positive, then dies, they are putting them into the system as dying “Unvaccinated and a Covid death”, even if the death was from the gunshot wound and had nothing to do with having Covid. They say this is because their hospitals are getting a financial incentive from our government for every Covid death and they cannot collect this bonus without entering it as such! Any chance this is happening there as well?

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It is clear that in many parts of Canada this is happening - died "with COVID-19" rather than "of COVID-19". I'm not sure if this is intentional or just how their systems are set up. I'm also not sure to what extent. Around Christmas time, this issue around hospitalizations came up and some officials addressed it in Canadian provinces. The numbers I saw were around 40-60% of COVID-19 hospitalizations being incidental, e.g. they were there for a broken arm and ended up testing positive.

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Yes. It’s about half. At one point in the pandemic it was reportedly higher and around 70 percent incidentals. Similar to the USA at that time. I do believe watchful eyes and better documentation practices and form options lowered it to 50

Percent incidentals. Of course the provinces new this all along and seemed quite content to sit idly by on the needed needed corrections in procedures and data accurate collection and representation. Sadly.

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But what are people dying FROM? If the unvaxxed are dying of something other than covid, your conclusion about the effectiveness of the vaccines seems unwarranted.

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No doubt there are biases in the data. It's impossible for my analysis to be a perfect representation of reality - my aim is to make it more objective than the government and media's representation.

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He’s just providing relative data and not website health of Canada propaganda. The average citizen is busy and glosses over the data. Paying no mind that Canada health is selling a misleading narrative that compares apples to oranges by conflating data with time spans that are not fairly representative of what is being comparatively measured. Here, he cleans it up for people. Easier to follow the accurate science. That’s all. Imo.

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